Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What am I willing to sacrifice for what I want to become?

That's a really good question. My immediate response is "everything." But if I really think about it, I don't know if that's entirely true yet. Upon further evaluation of this question, I had another question that I must answer before the original question is answered. "What do I want to become?" I believe this is a question that a lot of people haven't answered or are having a hard time answering. I know I do.

What do I want to become? That question can encompass so much from personal to spiritual to social to professional. And to answer the question in any of these categories would require a certain level of soul searching, which can be difficult in and of itself if you've ignored your personal desires for any amount of time.

I don't think, however, I will be able to answer the original question until the second is answered. First I must decide what I want to be. Only then can I decide what I'm willing to sacrifice to be what I want to be. Going back to my original hasty reply to the question, being willing to sacrifice everything to be what I want to become is a huge commitment. Being willing to sacrifice everything could mean anything from giving up some time in front of the t.v. to losing friends. It could mean changing the kind of books I read to estrangement from my family. Being willing to sacrifice everything could mean a little or it could mean a lot. To be where I want to be, I must be willing to sacrifice anything.

In order to accomplish any kind of impossible, I know that big sacrifices are going to have to be made. A friend told me, "With every decision, there is sacrifice." The bigger the decision, the bigger the sacrifice. I want to accomplish impossible things. So I have to be ready to make big sacrifices. But before I can commit in my mind or to anyone else, I have to decide what I want to become. I think that making my plan to accomplish impossible is going to require answers in all the categories I mentioned earlier; personal, spiritual, social, and professional. Maybe even more than that. But it's a start.

And so begins my soul searching.

What am I willing to sacrifice for what I want to become?

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