Monday, September 27, 2010

Dream Impossible

One day I was on the porch swing with my one-year-old nephew with little else to do as he fell asleep in my arms but think. That's when I had this epiphany.

I began to think about all the "greats" of time. I thought about Christopher Columbus and how he crossed over uncharted waters to discover the Americas. I thought about George Washington and how he lead a fledgling United States of America to freedom from England. I thought about Abraham Lincoln and how he maintained the union of the states. I though about Thomas Edison and how he invented the lightbulb. All things once thought to be impossible.

As I thought about all these people, I realized that each one of them impacted the entire world. Every single one of them did something that changed the course of history. They also did these "great" things at some kind of cost to themselves-- from mock and ridicule to the cost of lives.

Plus possibility of accomlishment was questioned. Once, the world was flat and it was impossible to go the other way around the world. Once the electric lightbulb was unimaginable. Once the 13 colonies in America couldn't ever dream of being a United and great nation. Impossible right?

No. None of them believed their mission was impossible. They accomplished impossible and impacted the world.

This is where my epiphany began. I realized that if my dreams aren't impossible, they probably aren't big enough.

I want to impact the world. I want to invent my own lightbulb. I want to accomplish my own impossible. Not only that, but I also want to help people all over the country and the world accomplish their own impossible.

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